
Letter: Donald Trump the pick-pocket

Many years ago when the subject of why people vote against their own best interest came up, Lyndon Baines Johnson said this: “If you...

Letter: Allen County Fair tradition broken

Kudos to Tim Ludwig for his recent letter to the editor. I am glad that I am not the only one that feels just...

Letter: Act of kindness appreciated

This is a letter to thank those who assisted my husband when he passed out at a filling station on July 12. Thanks to...

Letter: Garrettt puts country first

In a letter signed by 50 prominent Republican national security experts, they say of Trump, “We are convinced that in the Oval Office, he...

Letter: Stop abuse from animal farms

Not a single federal law protects chickens from abuse. Male chicks are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate right after hatching...

Letter: Federal overreach wrongs Ohioans

Once again a federal Judge has overturned a state-passed law!Ohio passed a law to direct about $1.4 million through the Ohio Health Department away...

Letter: While GOP cries; Democrats work

While Republicans rant about birth certificates, Muslims, Mexicans, and for some reason, bathrooms, President Barack Obama has been busy actually running the country.Consider the...

Letter: They used to be called accidents

We need to stop making criminals out of people who have car accidents that result in harm or death and make a tragic situation...

Letter: Hillary only lies when her lips move

A woman says she does not understand why so many of her friends call Hillary Clinton a liar. What planet has she been living...

Letter: Megafarm still can be stopped

On behalf of the Spencerville Citizens Against Factory farms my name is Steve Simindinger. I am writing you today to inform your readers of...