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Mark Figley: GOP should fight ‘lawfare’


Democrats love lawfare, and they know just how to make it, Donald Trump style.

Mark Figley: Reasons to vote against Harris


Joe Biden is the worst and most lawless president in history, outranking Nixon, Wilson and Obama through governance characterized by corruption, indifference, purposeful ineptness and vastly diminished cognition. Comrade Kamala Harris, the queen of incompetence, flip-flopping and verbal nonsense, was in lock-step with him all along the way as his vice president.

Mark Figley: Wacky Walz a bad pick for VP


Now that all the mystery has disappeared with Kamala Harris’ pick of Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate, the pundits are having a field day.

Mark Figley: Questions linger about Secret Service


After declaring she would not step down as director of the U.S. Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle did exactly that 10 days after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. But just who is Cheatle, and was she ever truly fit for a job of such monumental responsibility?

Mark Figley: ‘Newcomer’ plan doesn’t make sense


In the world of stupendous ideas, chalk up another one for Michigan. It seems the state is introducing a program offering its citizens $500 a month to take in what were formerly known as illegal aliens. Joe Biden’s Democrats just keep doubling down when it comes to rewarding illegal border crossers as an election grows closer.

Mark Figley: Celebrating an exceptional Founder


While standing a mere 5”4” tall, making him the shortest president in history, James Madison’s achievements make him one of America’s greatest Founding Fathers of all. Before occupying the White House, Madison established quite a name for himself as a legislator, before serving as a trusted adviser to President George Washington and Secretary of State in the Jefferson administration.

Mark Figley: Consequence of college protests


While anti-Israel protests continue to fade on U.S. campuses as schools adjourn for summer break, not all is well for some students’ job prospects who were willing participants in the mayhem that ensued.

Mark Figley: Biden keeps weaponizing government


Even before the conviction of Donald Trump in a Manhattan courtroom — compliments of Joe Biden and his No. 3 man at the Justice Department who helped shepherd the case — there were rumblings that good old Joe would be replaced at the top of the Democrat ticket.

Mark Figley: Exposing a voter conspiracy


Today, in a world increasingly dominated by progressive wokeness, anything that goes against the specific narrative of the day is characterized as a conspiracy theory. This can cover anything from the existence of chemtrails in the sky to JFK assassination theories or the nature of the New World Order.

Mark Figley: The unnecessary prosecution of Trump


As the sham criminal trial against Donald Trump continues to play out in New York City, America is witnessing election interference and the deliberate destruction of a legal system which was once the envy of the world. It’s just another nail in the coffin of the rule of law; all in the name of lawfare.