
Letter: Letter writer left out facts

I would like to add some facts to Robert Dotson’s letter (“GOP cries; Democrats work,” Tuesday, page 6A).Under President Barack Obama, private-sector jobs have...

Letter: Laws for us; laws for Hillary

The continuing saga of the Clinton email scandal goes on and on. This is a national tragedy of an immense scale. It is the...

Letter: Nana won’t forget murdered grandson

It’s another year I can’t celebrate my grandson’s birthday today, Aug. 28, and it’s real hard. His life was taken from us in a...

Leter: Moving parade was right move

People who have an issue with the change in the Allen County Fair Parade route or day likely never participated as a 4-H member...

Letter: Trump’s mouth is rigging election

When Donald Trump tells the American people that the election is rigged, he is possibly right. But ask yourself, who is doing the rigging?Every...

Letter: Why farmers do what they do

I am not sure where Lynn Gratz obtained her information for her letter concerning animal abuse. Perhaps she needs to accompany some of the...

Letter: Take pride in ‘American Strength’

I have felt a sense of pride as I enter the state Route 309 underpass at I-75 and see the words “Real American Strength.”...

Letter: New parade route a change for better

Mr. Ludwig, I respectfully disagree with your argument about the ‘tradition of the fair parade.’I, too, have only known the fair parade starting at...

Letter: Fact: Obama’s economy is working

Most conservative right wingers get confused when faced with facts.Daryl Hinkle’s letter of Aug. 3 is a glowing example. He says factories can’t be...

Letter: Trust Trump, not the media

Shocked people are running for the hills from Donald Trump? I’m not. He’s not a perfect politician. When the people elected him with largest...