Letter: They used to be called accidents

We need to stop making criminals out of people who have car accidents that result in harm or death and make a tragic situation even more tragic.

Many years ago,when an auto accident resulted in the death of a loved one because Mom ran a stop sign and may have caused the death of her son, daughter or other family member or friend, we would hug the driver and grieve along with them.

It was enough that that person had to live with the guilt and horror for the rest of their lives. Now, there are consequences nobody ever used to think about. Indictments, trials, prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges usually resulting in jail and additional needless suffering.

That singular moment when someone misses a stop sign or red light will live with them forever. I am talking about cases that DO NOT involve alcohol, drugs or even reckless driving, but those cases of ordinary negligence which result in tragic life altering consequences.

The ones we used to call accidents.

Cases involving drugs, alcohol and recklessness, have, and always will be, treated differently. They certainly should.

I have stood next to a family member being sentenced in a few of these sad cases when nobody really wants this case to go further. I have also stood next to drivers who inadvertently went left of center or rolled through a stop sign and caused a tragic result to a stranger. All of these should be treated differently. Just because the victims family is screaming for blood does not make it right, necessary or just.

There, but for the Grace of God.

Let’s think a little harder about continuing down this ill advised road.

— C. Bradford Kelley, attorney, Huffman, Kelley, Brock & Gottschalk, LLC