
Letter: Lima must not forget its drum major

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been described as the “drum major ” in this nation’s march for justice.For many years, Lima...

Letter: Don’t mess with fair’s tradition

As we get ready for another great Allen County Fair run, I ask the question: “Who had the brilliant idea to move the fair...

Letter: Thanks to the rule breakers

I live in Shawnee Township and one of the perks we receive living here is to be able to dump our yard waste at...

Letter: One special tent at Allen Fair

This is the 36th year the Gospel Singing Tent at the Allen County Fair will spread the saving knowledge and understanding of the Gospel...

Letter: Great support in Putnam County

The Putnam County Veterans Service Commission would like to extend its deepest appreciation to all those who supported our relocation ribbon cutting ceremony on...


The Allen County Sheriff’s Office and the Allen County D.A.R.E. Program would like to extend their sincere appreciation for the Dan King Poker Run...

On behalf of Allen Lima Leadership and the ALL Teddy Bear Fund, we want to acknowledge and thank the organizers of the Dan King...

I cannot say‘thanks’ enough

All the support shown at the Aug. 7 fund-raiser for Luke Haselman, leukemia victim, is a perfect example of what a great community we...

Letter: Be specific when accusig

Every time I ask someone why they are not voting for Hillary Clinton, they say, “She lies.”So I ask them to give an example...

Letter: Have some pride and don’t litter

Sunday evening after it cooled off I took off for a walk, going north on Pratt Street and proceeded around the “Phillips block” in...