Letter: Hillary only lies when her lips move

A woman says she does not understand why so many of her friends call Hillary Clinton a liar. What planet has she been living on?

Does she not have access to news? If she wants a specific, I will give her the one that bothers me the most. She let American’s die in Benghazi because she did not do her job. They ask for help over 600 times but none came and they were killed. She lied over and over during the investigation and she can lie so calm and with nonchalance.

The FBI said she lied.

When she ran out of lies and was backed into a corner, she lost her cool, threw her hands up in the air and said “What difference does it make now? Let’s just move on.”

Let me ask you, Millie Ruen: Had that been your husband or father or brother that was so savagely killed, what difference would it have made to you?

Dick Morris was part of the Bill Clinton administration. He has a video on line about the Clintons corruption and lies over the years. I suggest you watch it. It is on my Facebook. She used her job and emails as Secretary of State to haul in millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation by giving the donors whatever they wanted at America’s expense. When the Clinton family moved out of the White House, they stole the furniture and damaged some of the computers. They truly feel they are above the law.

We have two bad choices to vote for as president, but what Hillary Clinton has done bothers me much more that what Donald Trump has said.

— Millie Fisher, Elida