Letter: Garrettt puts country first

In a letter signed by 50 prominent Republican national security experts, they say of Trump, “We are convinced that in the Oval Office, he would be the most reckless President in American history.” Therefore they pledge not to vote for him. But Jim Jordan, putting party before country, endorses Trump.

We need a representative who will protect the country and our interests. Vote for Janet Garrett on Nov 8th. She want’s to protect American workers by changing our trade deals to require our trade partners to respect American protections for workers and the environment, which will protect jobs and promote higher wages in America. She also wants to end tax loopholes for corporations that ship jobs overseas.

Janet Garrett wants to allow Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices. This could save $230 billion dollars a year, but no Republican supports this sensible measure. To help students afford college we should offer them the same low interest rates we give to Wall Street banks. We should be helping students not making money from them.

As an educator of thirty-five years Janet has seen for herself the importance of pre-kindergarten and early childhood education. Our children are our future and research has shown that investment in such universal programs yields high returns.

Sound, sensible policy recommendations, a concern for us and our children, these are the hallmarks of Janet Garrett’s campaign. She needs and deserves your vote in November. Check her out at www.janetgarrett.com

— James Bode, Lima