Letter: Federal overreach wrongs Ohioans

Once again a federal Judge has overturned a state-passed law!

Ohio passed a law to direct about $1.4 million through the Ohio Health Department away from Planned Parenthood because Ohio taxpayers object to their using tax dollars to perform abortions.

Planned Parenthood sued and the judge in effect nullified Ohio state law and gave the money back to Planned Parenthood, which will continue to kill unborn babies with our tax money! Most media accounts don’t even give the name of the Cincinnati federal judge who denied Ohio the right to a state law that would let Ohio citizens decide where our tax dollars go.

If this isn’t an example of federal government overreach and denial of state’s rights, I don’t know what is.

And if the Democratic presidential candidate is elected, we can expect more of the same – more Washington DC – based control over our individual rights, values, and dollars.

If more liberal Supreme Court Justices are appointed to add to the liberal federal judges we already have, we can kiss what made this country great – Goodbye! This presidential election is that important! So give up whatever your objections you have with Donald Trump, for he may well be our only hope to save our country!

— Nancy Thieman, Lima