Letter: Stop abuse from animal farms

Not a single federal law protects chickens from abuse. Male chicks are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate right after hatching because there is no monetary gain from them. Hens are totally confined from hatching to death in small stacked cages to produce eggs over and over again. Their beaks are cut off at the tip to avoid pecking each other out of frustration.

Pigs, who are as smart as dogs, are playful, social, and protective of their young. However, sows spend their lives in 7-foot-by-2-foot gestation crates, their piglets taken away as they are impregnated again and again for three to four years before being slaughtered. The male piglets are castrated without pain medication. Because pigs are intelligent and prone to stress related behavior, their tails are chopped off and teeth broken off with pliers. A calf is removed immediately from its mother after birth and thrown into a cold concrete pen to starve to death while its mother looks on helplessly?

Animals feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness and a mother’s love. It is morally unacceptable to torture and kill other sentient beings. Where is the disgust, shame and depravity for these farm animals? As a society let’s get our act together and stop the pain and suffering. We have other choices.

— Lynn Gratz, Lima