
Letter: Teacher unions part of problem

America’s schools are failing. The United States ranks 40th in math, 25th in science and 24th in reading behind countries like Estonia—despite spending 31...

Letter: Friendships changed by Trump support

In response to a letter writer from St Marys stating that “Republicans did not act like children because we did not win, grow up,”...

Letter: Women’s agenda not going away

We came home from the Women’s March on Washington uplifted. We were full of inspiration and energy, ready to start a new era of...

Letter: Women’s march was a disgrace

I have lived in the Lima area for 23 years. I love it here, but I am deeply ashamed at the recent Women’s March...

Letter: Climate change means change for Ohio.

With climate change, Ohio will see more extreme heat, heavy downpours and flooding, according to the National Climate Assessment.None of that is good news...

Letter: Pleasure to read something uplifting

Two articles in The Lima News on Thursday brought a smile to my face. First off, I appreciate the words of wisdom written by...

Letter: Congress didn’t go to medical school

I’m proud to be an independent family physician. I love what I do and I love my patients. I love that we can decide...

Letter: Heartbeat of Lima deserved mention

Failure to reference Heartbeat of Lima in my original letter (Lima News 1/16/17) was a glaring oversight. It was only in re-reading my letter...

Letter: Be careful who you’re calling a liberal

The Jan 16 edition of The Lima News had the following headline: “Group holds march to bring awareness to liberal causes.”I attended the meeting...

Column: What I learned in Lima, still believe

I grew up in Lima on Harrison Avenue. It was a good neighborhood. People cared about one another. Epworth Methodist Church was just down...