Letter: Women’s march was a disgrace

I have lived in the Lima area for 23 years. I love it here, but I am deeply ashamed at the recent Women’s March and the fact that women from Lima participated. What a disgrace.

When Obama was elected I definitely did not vote for him. I detest what he did with Obamacare. My dear friend was forced to purchase Obamacare. She was left, due to the cost of it, unable to pay her bills or even buy food. Yes, I did help her. You see most Republicans are compassionate, caring people.

When Obama won, I did not march, protest, or scream how unfair he was or what an evil man he was. I did not lie about him or find as much fault s I could and broadcast it. In fact, I prayed for him.

Romans 13:1 says “let every soul be subject unto the higher power.” (This would include President Trump.) “For there is no power, but of God.” You might want to read verses 1-8 as well. In I Peter 2:13-15 we are told to submit to authority and in “doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.” In this case, foolish women.

The Women’s March and all other forms of rebellion towards our president are disrespectful and wrong. Whether you like our president or not, we are to respect the office of president. If you are truly concerned about our nation, try praying for our president and our country.

Hang on America. We are going to see fairness, honest and justice for the first time in a long time. God bless America and God bless President Donald Trump.

Barbara King Spencerville