
Letter: Many victims left in wake of crime

Thank you Jim Krumel for your kind and sensitive acknowledgement to the father of Wendy Jeffers in your “People and More” column on Jan....

Letter: Putnam can’t afford these guys

Are the inmates running the asylum in Putnam County?Elections Board Member Kurt Sahloff is trying to get 5 percent increases for workers. If he...

Letter: All hail, King Trump

Since we have decided to put in power an authoritarian king , I think we can save ourselves some time and energy if we...

Sanity lost atWhite House

The actions of the president of the United States in his first week in office have fallen to the depths only matched by “The...

Letter: Trump has faults and my vote

Yep, Donald Trump is our president. He’s like the male asking a woman to marry him. He promises her the world. After they wed,...

Letter: A world class character

Many thanks to Lance Mihm of The Lima News for his Jan 23 article on our uncle, Les Dienstberger. In addition to Les’ legendary...

Letter: Enough’s enough from TV newscasts

It is 6:30 p.m. Normally at this time I would be listening to NBC nightly news. Not tonight or possibly any other night. I...

Trump correctingneglected America

Why would anyone condemn attempts to make this country safer for all Americans by:• Securing our borders and preventing terrorists from infiltrating;• Making us...

Correction: Jordan opposed bill

A letter published by Dr. Wesley A. Klir, of Kalida, on Jan. 29 in the Your View column incorrectly stated that U.S Rep. Jim...

Letter: Sad day for folks who enjoy animals

The closing of the Ringling Bros. circus isn’t just a sad day for families who enjoy seeing animals in person and the hundreds of...