Letter: Friendships changed by Trump support

In response to a letter writer from St Marys stating that “Republicans did not act like children because we did not win, grow up,” the simple answer is Democrats never would support a candidate that used others as his stepping stone to power.

Donald Trump went as low as he could with a mind-boggling range of disinformation, smear tactics, lies whenever his lips moved, and outrageous behavior not fit for any locker room. You are absolutely correct, however, when you conclude that I am having difficulty getting over this election because relationships have been changed, perhaps, forever.

I personally am not angry at anyone because Clinton lost this election. Disappointed yes, but not angry. The disappointment arises out of the realization that, deep in my heart, I know that I will always be friendly to those that I considered friends, but those friendships have changed because I once viewed those friends as people who would never support someone that would mock the disabled and promote racism day after day. I think less of those friends because the man they support advocates committing war crimes.

I feel a bit different about these friends because they heard the same things I heard when he bragged about grabbing women wherever and whenever he wanted, about labeling all Muslims as being terrorist, and criticizing a gold star family that lost their only child defending this country.

It never was about Republican verses Democrats; it was more about being repulsed by an individual that believes the world moves when he does. If growing up means that this is what I need to accept, I will choose to remain in my current reduced state.

Charles Thomas, Lima