Letter: Women’s agenda not going away

We came home from the Women’s March on Washington uplifted. We were full of inspiration and energy, ready to start a new era of political engagement. For a day, we shared our pictures and read and re-read the amazing statistics of what we were part of.

Then the ridicule started.

Critiques were rampant from all sides of the political spectrum. Feminists and new feminists were put in their usual “place.” But the Women’s March created a million foot soldiers, most of them new to battle, and all of them committed to fighting with non-violence, respect for all people, and representative democracy. The organizers of the Women’s March demanded that we learn to listen to the voices of the marginalized. We are not going away.

You will hear our new-found collective voice, and future generations will thank us.

Wendy Chappell-Dick, Bluffton