Letter: Congress didn’t go to medical school

I’m proud to be an independent family physician. I love what I do and I love my patients. I love that we can decide together what is best for them. Being independent, I don’t answer to big brother, be it the hospital, insurance company, or government. My sole allegiance is to the person in the exam room and to the art and science of medicine.

I am writing about something that truly saddens me because it makes me realize that I may be the last generation of physicians to be able to serve this way.

Last year U.S. Reps. Latta and Jordan and many others in a Republican controlled House voted into law the MACRA/CHIPS Bill. This mandate, not part of Obamacare, stays in place even if The Affordable Healthcare Act is repealed. Few people even know about this legislation, but MACRA/CHIPS is the next government takeover of healthcare.

The MACRA/CHIPS Bill requires doctors to report their patient’s data to the government, who then decides if you and your doctor are doing what is right for you. All despite whatever life situation or other medical or financial problem that you might have.

The only physicians with the interfaces to report your data are predominantly those who have joined or sold out to large hospitals. 58% of private independent practices say that they will have to sell or close, all because of MACRA.

Congress didn’t go to medical school and they don’t know you. Tell your representative that their job does not involve the exam room.

Your voice on MACRA is the last chance to save our small town doctors.

Wesley A. Klir, M.D., Kalida