Letter: Putnam can’t afford these guys

Are the inmates running the asylum in Putnam County?

Elections Board Member Kurt Sahloff is trying to get 5 percent increases for workers. If he fails, he threatens to sue.

In 2015 there was a four-year freeze on all county employees. That would be until year 2019.

Got that? It’s easy if you can add, instead of blah, blah, blah! New boy on the block Mike Lammers who should have made himself knowledgeable on this matter instead of blowing off. In his claimed research he would have found the freeze.

Why didn’t he simply ask the other two Sunshine Lawbreaking Commissioners John Love and Vince Schroeder? Oh yeah, they are still deep into litigation on the Road 5 issue. We just paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars to Road 5 attorneys and nothing is settled.

Pay your taxes quick, because as fast as you pay taxes, these three commissioners will blow them. You have two that made bad decisions and the new one says he researches, but obviously doesn’t.

County infrastructure is collapsing, and big spender of our tax dollars BOE head Sahloff looks to push another county lawsuit. Can we afford these four?

Melida Bockrath, Ottawa