Letter: Trump has faults and my vote

Yep, Donald Trump is our president. He’s like the male asking a woman to marry him. He promises her the world. After they wed, he gives her what he can afford, or what he feels is necessary. Trump made sweeping campaign promises. Will he keep them? Few have.

On the bright side — when has a man given up his comfortable retirement years to work for ungrateful strangers?

How often does anyone pay his own way, on the campaign trail, with small donations? My $50 bill wouldn’t pay for a newspaper ad.

No other president has left his own elegant living accommodations to move into the White House. For Trump it was a step down in comfort.

What other president raised money for the Inaugural Balls and came in ahead of schedule and under budget and put the profit back into the US treasury?

Has there been another president that gave his salary to the US treasury?

Would you continue working for hostile people and still donate your salary?

Yet, I’m one of the deplorable people who voted for Trump. When you decide to join us, we will welcome you without a word of reproach.

Louise Smith, Lima