
Letter: Mended St. Rita’s-Anthem relationship a godsend


God always helps those who are in need.

Letter: Johnson column was one-sided


On Sept. 9, I read the article in The Lima News by Dr. Jessica Johnson titled “Hate crimes on an alarming rise.”

Letter: Grateful for street repaving


West Ewing, West Murphy, and West Robb Streets were recently repaved. The crews that did this work deserve credit for their great, professional work.

Letter: No wish to strike, but ready to do it


I was witness to one of the greatest forms of democracy recently at the 1219 UAW Hall on Bible Rd in Lima. Two hundred union members with their family and friends were there for a well-attended rally and information session. Union officials from the region and locals were there, along with Mayor Sheretta Smith, to promote solidarity for a very important cause.

Letter: Excellent showing at the Allen County Fair


First, I would like to congratulate Maddie Seeling for all her accomplishments this year, both at the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show and the Allen County Fair. It is obvious that she works hard for those accolades and deserves them.

Letter: The importance of the “NO” vote on Issue 1


It is our sincere hope that members of the Ohio legislature realize the importance and significance of the “NO” vote on Issue #1 on August 8, 2023. The citizens of Ohio said they want their voice heard in regards to state policies, laws and constitution.

Letter: Lima coming back to life


Have you been downtown lately? I drove up and down the streets marveling at the new buildings, new storefronts, new parking, construction equipment, the many workers and the pretty trees, shrubs and big flowerpots everywhere!

Letter: How do we keep our kids safe?


Are our children safe in our neighborhoods?

Letter: Heartbeat grateful for successful show


On behalf of the Heartbeat of Lima and Putnam County Board of Trustees, Staff, and Volunteers, we would like to thank the Tom Ahl Family of Dealerships and the community for their support of our annual charity car show. Proceeds from the car show on Aug. 4 benefit clients and families served by Heartbeat. Due to the generosity of sponsors, entrants, and attendees, the car show netted more than $21,000.

Letter: Issue 1 was a waste of money, effort


I am a graduate of public schools, so my math skills are not sharp enough to figure out the calculations on Issue 1. If you were afraid the abortion amendment would get more than 50 percent of the vote what made you think you would get more than 50 percent on what amounted to a mirror image issue.