
Letter: August Issue 1: Voting yes protects the unborn


Ohioans are facing two critical elections in 2023 that will determine the fate of more than 21,800 babies’ lives every year for the foreseeable future in Ohio.

Letter: August Issue 1: Protect Ohio from outside influence


On Aug. 8, Ohioans will be asked to approve Issue 1 which requires a 60% majority from voters to approve any further constitutional amendments made to Ohio’s Constitution.

Letter: August Issue 1: Don’t fall for the power grab


Issue 1 takes power away from the people! With the Aug. 8 special election quickly approaching, it is important for all Ohio voters to understand this issue.

Letter: August Issue 1: A solution looking for a problem?


Are we looking for a solution to a problem we don’t have? Since 1913 (110 years ago) when it was put in Ohio’s constitution about constitutional amendments, mostly to keep the politicians from being crooked, there have been 227 amendments put on the ballot. Seventy-one of these amendments were citizen-initiated. Only 19 passed, with 11 reaching the 60% threshold.

Letter: Frustrated with state corruption


Recently the so-called highly renowned Ohio Power Sitting Board rubber-stamped their second denial of the Shawnee solar farm. My concern is that the state and township are anti-farming with big taxes and government. One example is House Bill 1 which is in the Ohio legislative branch. If made law, it would raise taxes on farmers especially in the form of property taxes, and lower income taxes for the rich.

Letter: August Issue 1: Stop the long power grab


Hello, independent voters and independent thinkers. You have the option to vote no on Aug. 8 in a one-off summer ballot issue. No on Issue 1 will continue a fair and balanced outcome on future ballot issues. There is no godly reason to need these issues to be won by 60 percent. This has been the rule of law for 111 years.

Letter: August Issue 1: Taking power from citizens


Coming this August is an election of great importance. Historically, citizens tend to ignore August elections. For the sake of democracy, this an election people should not ignore.

Letter: August Issue 1: politically driven, ethically challenging


This August special election, promoted by reneging Republicans, has little to do with the November election. Ohio voters have gotten it right for over 100 years. Ask yourself, “Why are Republicans strategizing word usage, tactics and processes for influencing support, if the public genuinely desired this action?” This isn’t authentic protection, but rather, coercive if not deceitful. If not, why try to make Ohio the toughest state for citizens, not legislators, to modify their own state constitution?

Letter: Blocked spaces in Ottawa should be reconsidered


I am writing to say I am glad to hear about the two buildings being renovated in Ottawa. We have been here for 36 years and have worked (and still work) in Ottawa. I keep most of my business in Putnam County. For many years, I have said that I wished the Schnipke Inn would be turned back into a hotel because when family comes from out of state, they stay in Findlay. I support it wholly.

Letter: Issue 1 keeps Ohio from being like California


I look at Issue 1 with wariness. I traveled to California in my job on and off for years. That state is unmanageable, mainly because of mob rule.