Letter: Encore’s ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ gets everything right

Encore Theatre took a risk on “The Play That Goes Wrong,” a show that takes an amazing amount of preparation, and it absolutely paid off.

The audience was laughing hard enough from the first minutes that soon you saw people wiping tears. The timing, facial expressions, physical comedy and a set riddled with over-the-top special effects were some of the best that I have seen. The dialogue is quick and crisp, one of those shows that you could see several times and see and hear something new at each viewing because there is so much wit and physicality going on at any given time.

The story of a theatre company putting on a murder mystery having so much go wrong with the stage, prop placement and actors not remembering or correctly pronouncing their lines will make anyone laugh hard. For those involved at any level of theatre, you’ll quickly recognize and remember living through such moments.

The amount of planning and hard work by all involved, and practice by the actors, was evident in every moment of this show. I watched my family at times to get to see them bounce out of their seats because they were laughing so hard. I can’t remember a show that got this hard of laughs. Congratulations to all involved. You chose a great show to do, and you did a phenomenal job of pulling it off.

The show finishes its run this weekend. Get tickets by calling 419-223-8866 or choose your seat online at amiltellers.org.

Jim Patton



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