
Letter: Bathroom debate brought out the worst in people


It was very interesting to read the thoughts of two parties in their letters to the editors recently. I carefully reread what I had written and then their replies and have been mulling over this reply.

Letter: Just pay the difference back to subscribers


My subscription to The Lima News runs out in late August, three months from now… or 90 papers from now. I had paid for seven papers per week when my subscription started. Now, I’m going to receive two papers a week until August.

Letter: Another dissatisfied customer of Lima News


Like many others, I have taken the daily and weekend delivery of The Lima News for several years. The puzzles are an important daily activity at my home.

Letter: Broken press spelled the end for newspaper


I was a part of The Lima News for most of my life. I had five family members and me who worked there — three in the pressroom and three in what we called the mailroom, even thou it wasn’t mail.

Letter: Food as dangerous to you as guns are


In his May 20 letter, Carl Liechty lamented the fact that there were 40,000 gun deaths in the U.S. last year, a truly black mark on a nation of 330 million. His conclusion, based on his analysis, was that guns are the problem, not the mental health of the individual using the weapon.

Letter: Grateful for all the Mother’s Day events


The Mother’s Day week in Lima had so much to offer.

Letter: New chance for daily corporal work of mercy


None of us avid readers of The Lima News enjoy losing our paper copy.

Letter: Frustrating service means a canceled newspaper


I have subscribed to The Lima News for 30-plus years for seven issues a week.

Letter: Blame gun problems, not mental illness


Former President Donald Trump opened up a can of worms again on a CNN open forum with outlandish statements regarding the election results, stopping the war in Ukraine in 24 hours and restoring economic stability with no inflation. The overall kicker was his remark about gun violence being caused by mental illness instead of guns!

Letter: It’s just not the same without a daily paper


”Oh no, Joe! Say it ain’t so!” That was my very first thought as I picked up last Wednesday’s Lima News to read that the newspaper is going the way of everything else in the world. New. Modern. Up to date. Latest technology.