
Letter: Say no to fuzzy math and HJR1


Only in gerrymandered Ohio are state senators and house members serving in office who are so lousy at math and loose with taxpayer money.

Letter: Younger generation of politicians needed


As an old lady (mid-70s), I can attest to losses from aging. Yet, here we are again looking at two old men who have declared to run for president.

Letter: Ballot initiative bill an insult to founders


Parts of Ohio were settled by veterans of the Revolutionary War. These men were patriots who fought for government by the people and against tyranny.

Letter: Park District brings vast opportunity for mental and physical health for all residents...


I am writing to request your support of the two Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District renewal levies on the ballot this May 2nd election.

Letter: Stop fretting about transgender bathrooms


Republicans in Elida are now in full freakout mode over transgender bathroom issues in schools. One recent letter writer said they would no longer vote for tax levies and encouraged others to do the same.

Letter: More kindness needed with transgender people


On April 18, I sat in the center of the auditorium at Elida High School for the school board meeting.

Letter: Park district deserves your vote and support


I hope to encourage your vote for the renewal levies for our Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District.

Letter: Take two minutes more to save a life


On Nov. 3, 2021, my son, Patrick Archer, was killed at Lima Ford Engine Plant. He is survived by his wife, four children, two stepsons, his mother, brother and sister.

Letter: Levy would keep parks serving community


I am expressing my support for the renewal levy. The parks district operates within its means and is fiscally responsible, but parks need to be sustained through maintenance, renovations and additions of new features. The park district is a partner to the community through conservation benefits of habitats and wildlife.

Letter: Tired of Biden’s lies about everything


From top to bottom, the Biden administration has called for increasing the taxes on the rich and corporations, paying their fair share. But if this is the case, how did Joe Biden get an estimated $50 million from Wall Street, while Trump only received $10 million in donations during the 2020 election cycle?