Letter: Tired of Biden’s lies about everything

From top to bottom, the Biden administration has called for increasing the taxes on the rich and corporations, paying their fair share. But if this is the case, how did Joe Biden get an estimated $50 million from Wall Street, while Trump only received $10 million in donations during the 2020 election cycle?

An article from the Salon date June 16, 2019, quoted Bloomberg News reporting on Biden’s meeting with rich Wall Street donors:

“Biden told donors at an event at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan on Tuesday evening that he would not ‘demonize’ the rich and promised that ‘no one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change,’” Bloomberg News reported.

“‘I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,’ he said.

“Biden went on to say that the rich should not be blamed for income inequality, pleading to the donors, ‘I need you very badly.’

“‘I hope if I win this nomination, I won’t let you down. I promise you,’ he added.”

Joe Biden has told us that if you get the COVID vaccine you won’t get sick, you won’t be hospitalized and you won’t die.

How’s that student loan forgiveness working for you? Biden knew it was unconstitutional when he proposed it and even lied about getting the law passed “by a vote or two” when no legislation was even proposed.

I’m tired of his lies, and I’m tired of sending billions of tax dollars to Ukraine to fight Russia caused by Biden’s bumbling our exit from Afghanistan.

Craig Nichols



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