
Letter: Family appreciates respect by workers


Unfortunately, a few weeks ago our family lost my father. On the day of his funeral, we were traveling down Main Street in Lima, and there was a construction company working on the corner of Main and Spring.

Letter: No interest in seeing a sequel with Trump


Surprise, Donald Trump wants to be president again. Unsurprisingly, he is motivated in his quest for all the wrong reasons. Outrage is not policy; anger is not vision; revenge is not a platform.

Letter: No accountability on Capitol spending


The activities at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, are as disturbing as any video of violence I’ve ever seen in history. The activity of so many of the participants was as blatantly malicious as those in Milwaukee when their city erupted in violence a few years ago. Or those individuals that chose to riot in cities all over the country after the L.A. Rodney King incident on March 3, 1991. Or, more recently, following the George Floyd murder at the hands of the Minneapolis police department.

Letter: Good luck, Allen County citizens


There’s a TV commercial where a man says local media is essential to knowing local politics, events and issues only local news “should” deliver. Lima/Allen County is about to know what lack of information access feels like. Media is a business, likely mismanaged, but an entity nevertheless. The Lima News has announced their done deal being enacted, changes already established and good luck suckers (sorry, I mean, citizens). Just another change in Allen County, on its pathway to success.

Letter: Disgraceful town hall meeting with Trump


Wednesday’s Trump town hall was a disgraceful propaganda event to promote a wannabe dictator.

Letter: These changes bad for senior citizens


To read in the paper on May 10th that you are only going to print and deliver the paper on Wednesday and Saturday was very upsetting. I know it will be online. I know people who are not into computers and the internet and look forward to the paper every day, especially people who are or almost homebound. It’s an important time in their day.

Letter: Newspaper another lost piece of Americana


I was saddened to read the article in which The Lima News stated they were going to concentrate on the digital version of the newspaper.

Letter: Alteration of paper won’t fit lifestyle


I am disappointed that The Lima News decided to discontinue its print edition except for two days a week. I have always enjoyed starting my day by reading the newspaper and working the crossword while having breakfast. I don’t bring electronics to the table.

Letter: Changes will disrupt the daily routine


For the last 25 years, I’ve bought The Lima News daily on my way to work and for the last year since I retired. When you go digital, I will stop reading The Lima News and start reading a different print newspaper.

Letter: Manchester should defend her positions


Our state representative for Allen County and parts of Auglaize County, Susan Manchester (R-Waynesfield), was given orders by State Sen. Matt Huffman (R-Lima) to convince all of the state senators to vote for the latest faux pas.