
Letter: Frustrating service means a canceled newspaper


I have subscribed to The Lima News for 30-plus years for seven issues a week.

Letter: Blame gun problems, not mental illness


Former President Donald Trump opened up a can of worms again on a CNN open forum with outlandish statements regarding the election results, stopping the war in Ukraine in 24 hours and restoring economic stability with no inflation. The overall kicker was his remark about gun violence being caused by mental illness instead of guns!

Letter: It’s just not the same without a daily paper


”Oh no, Joe! Say it ain’t so!” That was my very first thought as I picked up last Wednesday’s Lima News to read that the newspaper is going the way of everything else in the world. New. Modern. Up to date. Latest technology.

Letter: Taxing the rich the best way to fix things


We now have a government of, by and for corporations. The middle class are paying taxes, the rich are paying accountants, and the wealthy are buying lobbyists. When the mega-wealthy contend there is nothing illegal about their paying zero taxes, remember they are the ones through their purchase of lobbyists and representatives who decide what is legal and illegal.

Letter: OK to adjust to the way things work nowadays


My husband and I are longtime subscribers to The Lima News and have just renewed for the digital and two printed weekly papers. I want to thank the publishers of The Lima News for “hanging on” much longer than most other newspapers.

Letter: Supreme Court justices need a basic civic lesson


Good grief! The seniors graduating from high school this year probably have a better education in civics and government than most, and they are wondering what is going on with our government today.

Letter: Really going to miss my daily newspaper


I am so sad and almost in tears! Ball all good things must come to an end (no fault of yours).

Lawrence Huffman: Let’s start a new tradition for veterans


Memorial Day is rapidly approaching. The last Monday in the month of May is the official day of recognition of those who died while on active duty defending this country. Its roots are in the post-Civil War era, when the Grand Army of the Republic, the veterans organization of the day, designated it “Decoration Day” for the graves of deceased Union veterans.

Letter: Baffling gas prices on Lima’s west side


Can anybody tell why gasoline is 50 cents more expensive per gallon on the west side of Lima than on the east side of Lima? Is there some price fixing going on?

Letter: Dogs will also miss daily newspaper


Four members of our household will be extremely distressed over the end of a cherished morning routine: Terri, Deb, Bentley and Ulfur.