
Letter: Bath: A neighbor needs your vote

Bath township voters are being asked to vote for or against an overlay/rezoning of Lost Creek. Lost Creek is a well-established neighborhood where people...

Letter: Norm Capps for the people

We all know that Allen County is an area that Republicans dominate and do very well in. There has been successes as well as...

Letter: 61 million reasons to vote

We have a very important presidential election on Nov. 3. People need to research the party and what it stands for before making a...

Letter: Opinions a joy to read

With a month until the “Historic” 2020 election takes place, I would like to thank The Lima News for the service you provide. My...

Letter: You’re voting life or death

To all Christians and civilized Americans, how would you answer the questions regarding the following two scenarios? The answers are, of course, confidential to...

Letter: Bath Trustees are selling out Lost Creek

The Bath Trustees have painted this utopian picture of an overlay district that is filled with an expanded gas station, restaurants, retail, and professional...

Shawnee police deserve better

I’m writing in response to the Sept. 24 article, “Shawnee Twp. Police levy renewal falls ‘through the cracks.’”I understand we have had a very...

Letter: Turn on lights, see who runs

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently stated the Russians are actively working to interfere in U.S. elections. Upon hearing this, Donald Trump questioned why Wray...

Letter: Think green, think China

In 2016 Department of Energy assistant Secretary Charles McConnell of the Obama administration stated the following: “All of the US annual emissions in 2025...

Letter: History book was fabulous

I just started reading the “Celebrating Our Bicentennial” book that was included in my Sunday Lima News.It is absolutely fabulous.Quote: “A special thanks goes...