I cannot say‘thanks’ enough

All the support shown at the Aug. 7 fund-raiser for Luke Haselman, leukemia victim, is a perfect example of what a great community we have in Putnam County and Northwest Ohio.

The whole Haselman family wishes to thank the countless individuals and organizations that assisted in making this event a great success. Thanks to the many individuals who promoted selling BBQ ticket sales and 50–50 raffle sales s well as all the businesses that posted fliers of the event. Some placed donation buckets out for their customers. Thanks to both the Ottawa Sts. Peter and Paul and Glandorf St. John’s parishes for allowing ticket sales at various times. Thanks to the Putnam County Sentinel for publishing the event in the newspaper. And, of course, to all those who bought tickets, bake goods, and gave a little extra as a donation.

Thanks to all the volunteers that gave up their Sunday to serve 1700 BBQ meals. Ted’s Market did a great job in preparing the food. I received nothing but complements on how good the food was and how fast it was served. Special thanks to the St. John’s Outreach organization that organized and conducted the bake sale that was a big success. And a special thanks to a great group of people – the Ottawa Fire Department for allowing the use of their facility and their personal help that many of the firemen and fire ladies provided.

And a special thanks to them for giving Luke and his family a ride in the big ladder truck.

— Stan Haselman, Ottawa