
On behalf of Allen Lima Leadership and the ALL Teddy Bear Fund, we want to acknowledge and thank the organizers of the Dan King...

I cannot say‘thanks’ enough

All the support shown at the Aug. 7 fund-raiser for Luke Haselman, leukemia victim, is a perfect example of what a great community we...

Letter: Be specific when accusig

Every time I ask someone why they are not voting for Hillary Clinton, they say, “She lies.”So I ask them to give an example...

Letter: Have some pride and don’t litter

Sunday evening after it cooled off I took off for a walk, going north on Pratt Street and proceeded around the “Phillips block” in...

Letter: Facts don’t stop GOP opinions

I know this is the “silly season” and facts should never get in the way of people’s opinions. The latest so-called fact being propagated...

Letter: So much for ‘we the people’

Thirteen years ago I terminated AEP’s utility easement to my small farm after numerous breechings of their easement agreement. The easement termination was recorded...

Letter: Abortion issue trumps Hillary

There are many reasons to vote for Donald Trump over Hilary Clinton, but none are as important as the fight to protect the unborn.Clinton...

Letter: Holding my nose, voting for Trump

The Saturday, August 6, letter to the editor has me agreeing with Mary Squires on all things about Donald Trump with two exceptions.She has...

Letter: Cloverdale fines lack common sense

Kick ‘em while they are down.Cloverdale had a disastrous tornado pass through the little town in November 2012. The Catholic church was completely demolished,...

Letter: Decent people live in Lima

Here is proof that there are still decent people in Lima. I had been in Walmart, and after loading my bags into my car,...