Letter: One special tent at Allen Fair

This is the 36th year the Gospel Singing Tent at the Allen County Fair will spread the saving knowledge and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the saved and unsaved through the singing and playing of Gospel music.

The fair tent where this happens is located just inside the front gate off state Route 309. Certain groups perform for at least one hour for an evening of the fair.

The tent offers a place of comfort to those who are hurting in body, mind or soul. Gospel music provides help to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs.

The tent is supported by local and area churches, individuals and businesses. Fund-raisers contact present and prospective contributors to raise money. When prospects are shown the program which contains a listing of the many donors and are asked to help, additional new supporters are added. From 46 donors in 2011 to over 350 in 2016, the tent has been able to bring “nationally known and award winning artists.”

Such groups bring more visitors to the fair and the tent. The results are more people are entertained, comforted and exposed to the Gospel. God has opened the doors and provided the funds to grow the tent to our amazement. Call it a “God thing.”

— Gene Derringer, Harrod, secretary–treasurer of Gospel Singing Tent