
Letter: What is really ‘deplorable’ …

I enjoy The Lima News’ comics, obits, sports and business sections. However, I stopped reading the liberal, biased, political dribble it keeps printing on...

Letter: Open your eyes! Trump’s a destroyer

Listen people, Donald Trump is not a true Republican, Democrat, or Independant!He is unstable and is trying to incite a riot before the final...

Letter: Stand up for America

A lot of millionaire football heroes are exercising their freedom of speech by refusing to stand for the playing of our national anthem. That’s...

Letter: King or queen one option

Government takes. Government takes treasure and freedom. Refuse to abide by the whims of the regulatory state and the wheels of government will take...

Letter: Lifelong Republican voting for Hillary

Before this election, I was a lifelong Republican. Before the first presidential debate, I was an undecided voter. I am now a proud supporter...

Letter: Wobler the watchdog needed in Putnam

As commissioner of Putnam County, Tony Wobler will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the job. Wobler has over 20 years of...

Letter: Big yellow bus has special cargo

Attention all who have a driver’s license.I drive a school bus for Shawnee Local Schools. When you see the school bus, please slow down....

Letter: Lammers was against 6119

There has been a lot of bad publicity about Michael Lammers supporting the 6119 Regional Sewer District in Putnam County.I have sat beside Mike...

Letter: Still voting Trump, warts and all

This election is a watershed. The Trump tape is despicable but pales in comparison when one considers what Hillary has done and would do...

Letter: Why I’m sticking with Donald Trump

I did not vote for Mr. Trump in the Republican primaries, but it will be Mr. Trump I cast my vote for this November.Do...