Letter: What is really ‘deplorable’ …

I enjoy The Lima News’ comics, obits, sports and business sections. However, I stopped reading the liberal, biased, political dribble it keeps printing on the front page (and throughout) concerning ‘its” candidate, Hillary Clinton.

The national news media is now called Hillary’s ‘Super-Duper PAC !

Hillary is all about power and corruption. She hates “everyday people” and refers to us Americans as rednecks and deplorable. Hillary and her staff have also been caught mocking Catholics and Hispanics! As Secretary of State, she doled out favors to people with names marked with a ‘FOB’ beside it (Friend Of Bills)! It has been reported that she has also praised Putin!

The Department of Justice and the White House have protected her during this entire campaign! Hillary either threatened FBI Director Comey or paid him off. Agents at the FBI are speaking out against Director Comey’s deplorable decision. Agents were shocked and angered by it because Comey never served subpoenas or sent any information to a grand jury! His decision was bought and paid for while our attorney general and Bill sat on the tarmac! Hillary will never be prosecuted for her crimes with the White House, FBI, DOJ, State Department and the liberal news media watching her back!

Also, another half page rebuttal to my letter — like the last time — is not necessary. I did receive many phone calls from complete strangers here in Limaland thanking me for my last letter. One 79-year-old gentleman (or deplorable) said he agreed with every word of it and told me it was the best letter he had ever read in 50 years!

There are more “redneck and deplorable” people here in Lima than you think!

— Ed Hanson, Lima