
Letter: Stop government, political deceit

I am a swing voter and have voted Democrat in several presidential elections, but this election is the election that will change the U.S....

Letter: Save our country by voting Trump

I am a member of the Republican Party this election and am tired of the newspapers not printing the negative, secretive things and cover-ups...

Letter: Maybe you need a new chef

Citizens of America, it should be quite easy to make your choice on Nov. 8th. If you like the direction of the country; you...

Letter: School superintendents back Haycock for state board

A strong education makes our communities, cities and state prosper. As superintendents, we understand this and know also that it takes strong leadership to...

Cupp has my votefo Putnam sheriff

As a pastor for a little over 40 years I have had the opportunity to know many people who have served in the public...

Letter: Pray before you vote

It comforts me knowing that every Christian prays before casting their vote. And that no Christian would ever support a candidate that fights for...

Letter: Choose Character over Fear

If you are tired of defending the indefensible qualities of your presidential candidate, it’s time to look at your options. Evan McMullin stepped up...

Letter: How does Obama sleep at night?

In the early stages of Isis, three- and four-star generals recognized President Obama was not capable of making the correct decision about wars. These...

Letter: No loophole for gun shows

The Lima News recently published a guest editorial from the Toledo Blade titled: “NRA, firearms owners against gun-show loophole.”This is baloney! I’ve been an...

Letter: Local GOP leaders’ views disappointing

As a former Juvenile Probation officer, it was quite disheartening to pick up The Lima News and see our local Republican politicians are remaining...