Letter: Lammers was against 6119

There has been a lot of bad publicity about Michael Lammers supporting the 6119 Regional Sewer District in Putnam County.

I have sat beside Mike in many of the Black Swamp Regional meetings, township and village council meetings, and listened to his comments and questions presented to our county leaders and petitioners. Mike voiced many concerns in having a 6119 sewer board in our county. Mike also was actively involved in the “Committee to defeat the 6119” by attending meetings, collecting data, providing information and distributing signs to many concerned residents against the 6119.

I believe him when he says he is against the 6119 because I believe that “actions speak louder than words.” I have witnessed true leadership, commitment and common sense in working with Mike through the year long journey of trying to defeat the 6119 sewer board. I am sure he will put forth the same work ethic as a Commissioner of our great county!

— Diane Franz, Ottawa