Letter: Stand up for America

A lot of millionaire football heroes are exercising their freedom of speech by refusing to stand for the playing of our national anthem. That’s all well and good except for the fact that their country is not the enemy, but the source of everything good in their lives. Their rage should be directed toward the small minority of white racists who deserve their wrath.

And why do these white racists exist? A few of them would be that way no matter what, that’s true. But most white racists are angry citizens who are sick and tired of the attitude of the small minority of blacks who hate whites because they’re white, and for no other reason. They live a life of crime and violence, mostly against each other and blame all their problems on the whites or the police.

Come on, black citizens; show some respect for the country that has done so much for you and stand up for your country, as so many black veterans have done through the years.

— Dillon Staas Jr., Lima