Letter: Lifelong Republican voting for Hillary

Before this election, I was a lifelong Republican. Before the first presidential debate, I was an undecided voter. I am now a proud supporter of Hillary Clinton.

As a single mother of a wonderful daughter, I want nothing more than to provide a good life for my child. That means making her feel safe and keeping as much money in my pockets as I can, so I can provide for her now and plan for her future.

My daughter and I simply cannot afford Donald Trump’s plans to raise taxes on low and middle-income families.We need a president who will make the ultra wealthy pay their fair share.

And my daughter and I can’t afford Donald Trump’s misogyny and racism. We need a president who understands women are equal partners; my daughter needs a president she can look up to.

The only candidate that I believe will put the American people first is Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton doesn’t have an ego; she has given our country a lifetime of service. She has a proven track record of fighting for women and families. And she has a comprehensive plan to create jobs and an economy that works for everyone, including families like mine.

I’m a lifelong, third generation Republican. And now, I’ve made my decision. Well done, Mrs. Clinton.

— Yvonne Anderson, Rockford