Letter: Still voting Trump, warts and all

This election is a watershed. The Trump tape is despicable but pales in comparison when one considers what Hillary has done and would do to America. It was 10 years ago, Trump was a Democrat, he appologized for it. As far as I am concerned it is over.

The problem at hand. Hillary Clinton has done and will do so much to damage the United States that the country would never recover. The socialist democrats are incrementalists and Hillary will continue Obama’s path to a larger more controlling government. The United States will continue to borrow trillions more. The Supreme Court will be a rubber stamp for e liberal statists. The economy will be stuck in the Obama doldrums.

You have heard the Hillary solution of higher taxes on job creators, more free stuff paid for by others and more government control.

Donald Trump would invoke the Reagan solution to the Carter malaise of lower taxes and less government, which was followed by 25 years of a robust economy.

It is time for us, the deplorables, the worker, the taxpayer, and the patriot, to rise up and vote for Donald Trump. He is not perfect, but Hillary is far worse and by not voting we would get Hillary just like we got Obama four years ago because so many thought that Mitt Romney was not perfect.

Are you better off today? Are you freer today? Are you safer today? Do you like the path this country is on?

Let’s show the ivory tower elites, the socialist Democrats, the RINOs and the turncoats that we want a prosperous, free, powerful America without Hillary. Vote for Donald Trump, warts and all.

— Phillip C. Sellati, Lima