
Letter: Plea deals help who?

More murderers are being offered plea deals that allow killers back onto the streets of Lima.More heroin dealers are peddling poison in Lima, yet...

Letter: Friends of library celebrate 80th

The Lima Public Library has served our greater Lima community since 1901. In 1937, a group of local citizens began the Friends of the...

Letter: Stick with Doug Spencer

The first time you rode in a small boat the first thing you heard was don’t stand and rock the boat. I’m here today...

Letter: Stick with Doug Spencer

The first time you rode in a small boat the first thing you heard was don’t stand and rock the boat. I’m here today...

Letter: Kohlrieser has conflict

I have been following this judge race and I have a question. As I understand it Teri Kohlrieser has been a prosecutor for the...

Letter: You don’t get what paid for

If you are paying a third of your Social Security check for cable TV— wouldn’t it be nice to get what you paid for?Four...

Letter: Elida wrong to push property tax

While there is a good argument that a new school building will be nice for the Elida community, I have some issues with the...

Letter: Elida school in disrepair

I attended Elida Elementary school about 15 years ago and can tell you firsthand that it needs to be retired. The school is falling...

Letter: State will kick in for Elida school

On May 8th, Elida School District residents will have an opportunity that their parents, grandparents and all our district ancestors did not have. In...

Letter: State will kick in for Elida school

On May 8th, Elida School District residents will have an opportunity that their parents, grandparents and all our district ancestors did not have. In...