Letter: Elida school in disrepair

I attended Elida Elementary school about 15 years ago and can tell you firsthand that it needs to be retired. The school is falling apart at the seams. There were classrooms in closets when I attended, and with the number of kids enrolled increasing, it only becomes more crowded. The cost of a new HVAC system and renovations to the leaky roof is enough to cause a complete makeover. Why would you want your kids learning in an environment that is open to the elements? It’s either too cold, too hot, or raining inside.

Think about how many times you drive by when school is released, and there are cars backed up onto Pioneer because so many people are waiting to pick their kids up. A new school will provide a better layout and it will help get those cars off Pioneer. A new elementary school will provide our kids with better facilities for a learning environment and extracurricular activities. There will be a better layout for baseball/softball diamonds and soccer fields. As a civil engineering student, I have seen first hand what the design and construction process entail and I can tell you that this investment will be one worth taking. It will provide a better learning environment for the children.

Please vote yes for Elida on May 8th.

Erika Kiel, Elida