Letter: Kohlrieser has conflict

I have been following this judge race and I have a question. As I understand it Teri Kohlrieser has been a prosecutor for the last 10 years in Allen County. Has she tried a civil case?

It seems that the Prosecutor’s Office is working hard to get her elected. If she is judge, how could she hear criminal cases from the office that she has worked in the past 10 years without being biased? Isn’t that a conflict?

I don’t know if this has come up before but what do they do if a full time prosecutor gets elected judge? Do they get visiting Judges to hear the criminal cases?

From what I know about Larry Huffman, he has tried civil cases and some criminal cases for over 30 years. I have also heard that he will not hear cases involving lawyers from his firm.

I think the conflict issue is a real problem with Teri Kohlrieser campaign and is something that people should be concerned about.

Amanda Ross, Lima