Letter: Stick with Doug Spencer

The first time you rode in a small boat the first thing you heard was don’t stand and rock the boat. I’m here today asking you to forget that rule. Please stand up and vote for Commissioner Doug Spencer in the May 8th Republican primary.

I have known and worked with Commissioner Spencer for the last 10 years. He is a leader, hard worker, and not afraid to stand up for what he believes. He meets challenges head on. He is a God-fearing, good father and a family man. He is also a good friend to me.

I have worked with Commissioner Spencer on the courthouse renovation, an almost $9 million dollar project. We are now involved with building a new terminal building at the Neil Armstrong Airport, which includes running utilities from New Knoxville.

In 2019 the residents of Auglaize County will celebrate 50 years since Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. We will also celebrate 125 years since the construction of our beautiful courthouse. There are a lot of projects the Auglaize County commissioners are currently working on and planning for.

We have a great team of elected officials in Auglaize County, and I’m proud to be a part of that team. Like an important basketball game, now is not the time to take the star player out of the game.

So, I’m asking you to join me this May and vote for a star player…please vote for Commissioner Spencer in the 2018 Republican primary.

Don Regula, Auglaize County Commissioner