
Letter: Electoral College home found

In response to Mr. Kilgore’s letter in which he claims does not know where the Electoral College is: The Electoral College is located in...

Letter: Shooting dog uncalled for

Let me say right in the beginning, “Yes, I know one is to keep their dogs at home.” However, when you live in the...

Letter: 90th birthday made special

Thank you to everyone who added to the joy of my 90th birthday. Your prayers, cards, and best wishes filled my heart with joy,...

Letter: Ohio needs redistricting

In 2015, Ohio passed Issue 1, approving bipartisan redistricting for the General Assembly with an overwhelming 71 percent approval on the ballot.Now, it’s time...

Letter: A big ‘no’ to RTA tax

Lately I have been hearing PSAs or commercials on local radio informing the public of the wonderful work of the Allen County Regional Transit...

Letter: Proud to be an American

America is great.Yes it is.Americans have the opportunity to improve their lives. And Americans have pride.It’s a shame some forget that.Donovan Cockerell, Spencerville

Letter: Hero drives a white pickup

On May 11, midafternoon, I was driving west on Edgewood Drive close to Glenwood. I saw ahead of me on the south side of...

Letter: Grindrod column brings back memories

What a wonderful column John Grinrod wrote about the summer playground program.Memories came flooding back about my friends Janet Schimpf, Joan Heidenescher, Jackie Boerger,...

Letter: Protect babes withhear

It was interesting to read this statement by State Rep. Christina Hagan, R-Alliance, in Sunday’s editorial column.She said “I believe that children with beating...

Comey’s testimonyadds up to truth

I am sure there are some who will question the veracity of James Comey’s testimony before Congress. President Trump has already denied many of...