Letter: Protect babes withhear

It was interesting to read this statement by State Rep. Christina Hagan, R-Alliance, in Sunday’s editorial column.

She said “I believe that children with beating hearts deserve protection in the State of Ohio, and we should work toward that effort regardless of what the political climate looks like.”

She was speaking of the “Heartbeat Bill” that she recently introduced in the Ohio Legislature. Rep. Hagan, I take you at your word. Voters across the state of Ohio will be watching how you vote on every issue from health care, to child care, to schools, housing, nutrition and to budget bills.

We expect to see how well you work with and against your party to ensure that every child with a beating heart deserves the very best protection our legislators can offer to make sure they have the very best opportunities to grow up fed, healthy, well-housed, well-educated citizens of our great state.

Jane Myers, Wapakoneta

Protect babies

with heart beat