Letter: A big ‘no’ to RTA tax

Lately I have been hearing PSAs or commercials on local radio informing the public of the wonderful work of the Allen County Regional Transit Authority. These announcements have been playing for some time.

Now It is plain to see what is going on.

In a staged announcement complete with pre-printed signs and a group of folks to wave them, the RTA announced a sales tax levy which is expected to generate $4 million. Wowzz! These folks really know how to pitch an issue. They are saying that they serve over 350,000 in our area. I wonder how many of that 350,000 actually ride on the RTA buses? I would like to see some figures as to the actual ridership:

• How many people are using this service on a monthly and yearly basis?

• How much are the folks who run the RTA making?

• What are the salaries of the administrative staff and the head of the RTA?

Think about this folks a 0.25 percent add on to the current sales tax would make the tax bite 6.75% on any taxable purchase. Sorry, but that is just too much.

We are already paying a regressive sales tax to the state and county. We are taxed on our income by the federal government, the state government, and then again when we try to spend what is left over after the income taxes the state and county take another bite out of our pockets. Sorry RTA, but I cannot and will not support any additional taxes no matter how much you say you need more money.

Kenneth E Harris, Lima