
Letter: Common Threads helped Lima through Wilson’s death

Ten years ago, Allen County Common Threads helped our community respond to the tragic death of Tarika Wilson. (See Lima News, Jan. 1.)Lima Senior...

Letter: Silent majority supports Jordan’s fight on the feds

“We the people, the silent majority,” are in full support of U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan. Jordan wants the corrupt federal government out of our...

Letter: Trump’s doing better than some will admit

While I’m not advocating canonizing President Trump for sainthood, the economy is doing better.If the swamp was not so full with the career politicians...

Letter: Trust with nuclear weapons important for the president

When looking at presidents, a total of 44 in all, there is a clear line of division that should be taken into consideration. All...

Letter: Beware your brain-washing, Republicans in the region

In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, the GOP citizenry in the area still delude themselves into believing that Trump is the...

Letter: Jordan continues to act like a whiny, bratty child

I see our congressional representative from the gerrymandered duck district (check its shape) in Ohio is acting like the same whiny child as when...

Letter: Plenty to lift your spirits in region over the holidays

I just wanted to write a shout-out to three uplifting events from this Christmas season.First, Pastor Mick Whistler of Grand Lake United Methodist Church...

Letter: Remembering the kindness of Wendy toward a stranger

A few days before Christmas, I was in the Allentown Road Walmart. I was telling the woman in the checkout line why I had...

Letter: No one wins nuclear war

I’m 46, and I grew up with the fear of nuclear war: worried that Russia would launch an attack on the United States.I will...

Letter: Found a friend in Big Daddy

I live in Minnesota and my son goes to school in Lima.His car broke down due to the extreme weather conditions in the early...