
Letter: Remembering the kindness of Wendy toward a stranger

A few days before Christmas, I was in the Allentown Road Walmart. I was telling the woman in the checkout line why I had...

Letter: No one wins nuclear war

I’m 46, and I grew up with the fear of nuclear war: worried that Russia would launch an attack on the United States.I will...

Letter: Found a friend in Big Daddy

I live in Minnesota and my son goes to school in Lima.His car broke down due to the extreme weather conditions in the early...

Letter: DeWine best fit for Republicans

Analysis of the Republican Candidates for GovernorFirst up on the Republican primary ticket is Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor. The 51-year-old former state auditor has...

Letter: A morning we won’t forget

At this new year as we pause to reflect on the past, we are reminded of our many blessings. One of those blessings came...

LETTER: Listen to people about redistricting

State Senator Matt Huffman sits on a bipartisan Congressional Redistricting Working Group poised with reviewing and reforming Ohio’s failed redistricting process that paves the...

Letters: Be thankful for Jim Jordan

It appears that there is a Democrat sponsored letter writing campaign to trash Jim Jordan in progress in our area. Well this is not...

Letter: Living high off the hog at $8.15 an hour

Mr. Jordan, since you are so glad that the big tax cut passed, do you think it would be nice if you would introduce...

Letter: Taking it out on children

A letter writer to The Lima News says she has contacted U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan about the children’s health program.She needs to be informed...

Letter: RTA cuts now being felt

I take the RTA North East bus to Marimor. Effective Tuesday, they no longer have this route.There are 40 who take the bus to...