
Letter: Still feeling effects of conviction


Hello. This letter is in response to editor David Trinko’s “Working Together as Family Has Real Value.” I admire his position and share the same view.

Letter: Issue 1: Constitution should be harder to amend


What is Issue 1? Issue 1 aims to elevate the requirements for amending the constitution of the state of Ohio. This includes a requirement that petitioners seeking to amend the constitution obtain signatures on their initial petition from all the counties in our state instead of only half the counties as required now. This prevents highly populated counties from controlling the process. Additionally, an amendment will have to obtain a 60% vote or supermajority instead of the current 50% plus one vote.

Letter: Issue 1: Get rid of outside influence by voting no


Why would anyone believe the promoters of Issue 1? Their contention is to promote a supermajority of voters to change the Ohio Constitution based on outside influence. We already have too much outside influence, not only on issues but also for state and federal candidates. After all the posturing of saving over $20 million on special elections, just a few months ago they decided that one more special election is needed to save the state from total ruin. Why would the supporters of Issue 1 want five or 10 percent of the voters to decide this issue if they want to promote fairness and truly representative elections?

Letter: August Issue 1: More at stake with Issue 1


As I drive around the Lima area, I see so many signs saying, “Vote no on Issue 1.” It makes me sad because this issue is so important.

Letter: August Issue 1: Amendment process is fine on its own


I see a few “Vote yes on issue 1 — Protect our Constitution!” signs, and I have to ask those with the signs in their yards or business windows: protect our Constitution from what? We’ve had the same process in effect for over 110 years, over a century, and what bad has actually happened in those 110 years that would demand this sudden need to change it?

Letter: August Issue 1: Constitution shold be harder to change


There are rational arguments for and against Issue 1. When deciding, please consider the following:

Letter: August Issue 1: Issue limits power of voters


I urge you to vote no on Issue 1. If this constitutional change passes, it will raise the percentage of the vote needed to change the state constitution to 60%. This dangerous move would solidify virtually all constitutional changes to the state legislature, where, funny enough, they’ll only still need 50 plus one.

Letter: August Issue 1: Voting yes protects the unborn


Ohioans are facing two critical elections in 2023 that will determine the fate of more than 21,800 babies’ lives every year for the foreseeable future in Ohio.

Letter: August Issue 1: Protect Ohio from outside influence


On Aug. 8, Ohioans will be asked to approve Issue 1 which requires a 60% majority from voters to approve any further constitutional amendments made to Ohio’s Constitution.

Letter: August Issue 1: Don’t fall for the power grab


Issue 1 takes power away from the people! With the Aug. 8 special election quickly approaching, it is important for all Ohio voters to understand this issue.