
Letter: Melting pot boils over again

Let’s all be Americans because that’s just what we are. The melting pot boils over again and opens the scars of the past.Reese Winter,...

Letter: Civil service benefits Lima

I served for 30 years as a member of the Lima Civil Service Board along with Mike Bender as secretary of the board. I...

Letter: What were police thinking?

The Los Angeles Times editorial published in The Lima News concerning the Atlanta shooting of Rayshard Brooks is very timely . One could quote...

Letter: Defend the police; not defund police

Every elected official takes an oath to defend the Constitution. The very first paragraph of the Preamble states that one of the purposes of...

Letter: It definitely was Miller time

I was having a great afternoon. It was sunny and there was a blue sky. My adult beverage was cold as I sat on...

Letter: Erasing history, how shameful

What are people thinking by destroying our history?Tearing down statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Columbus and others.Why?Protesters tried to pull down the...

Letter: Be the solution, not the problem

It is so shameful what the liberals are doing to this country. They are tearing down statues and they don’t even know the history...

Letter: Column shows need for change

Why would Don Stratton, author of Tuesday’s (6/23) “Guest Column,” produce a 2007 complaint (#01610509) wherein George Floyd is “tentatively identified” as the one,...

Letter: Act like an adult

Please put your swagger away and put on your mask.When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child,...

Letter: It’s under control (not!)

From: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to...