
Letter: Be the solution, not the problem

It is so shameful what the liberals are doing to this country. They are tearing down statues and they don’t even know the history...

Letter: Column shows need for change

Why would Don Stratton, author of Tuesday’s (6/23) “Guest Column,” produce a 2007 complaint (#01610509) wherein George Floyd is “tentatively identified” as the one,...

Letter: Act like an adult

Please put your swagger away and put on your mask.When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child,...

Letter: It’s under control (not!)

From: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to...

Letter: Anti-science amuck!

Popping up all over Ada are yard signs reading “Ada School UNMASKED” and beneath that “#mykidsmychoiceADA.” (The hashtag “#mykidsmychoice” is borrowed from the anti-vaxxer...

Letter: What’s ahead for five boys

As a child of a father who was Jewish, many times in my life I thanked God that I was born i the USA....

Letter: Time to wake up

In the 1960s, I attended Ohio Northern University and heard a socialist from England speak at chapel. Later, sitting in the student union, the...

Letter: Easy travel in Lima

When I travel in my car, I always try to get a map to help me get to my destination unless I know where...

Letter: I laughed, then I cried

Several months ago, I was in the drive thru lane at McDonald’s on Cable road. The line initially was long put eventually it moved...

Letter: Borrowing money from Social Security

Concerning the recent letters to the newspaper from Larry Donaldson and Terry Knebel. I may be older than Terry, but I think what Larry...