
Letter: Stop the destruction of net neutrality

We have a chance to stop the destruction of Net Neutrality. Senate Schumer will bring up a motion in the Senate under the Congressional...

Letter: Put the children of America first, now

I’m asking Rep. Jim Jordan to please work with his Senate counterpart, stand together, and demand that the Senate takes time to fund the...

Letter: Jordan picks party over values

In September, Jim Jordan endorsed Roy Moore for Alabama Senate with this statement: “Roy Moore will be a much-needed conservative voice in the Senate....

Letter: Deny truth, but it won’t go away

In an interview with journalist Manu Raju, U.S. Senator Bob Corker, R-Tennessee, said of Donald Trump, “The president has great difficulty with the truth....

Where will I sleep tonight?a

It’s not a question many of us will ask — Where will I sleep tonight?Homeless families living in Lima or traveling through the Lima...

Letter: Wonderful sounds of Christmas

I wanted to let the Hallelujah Saints Band and the Full Sound Chamber Group and Miss Molly Burkholder know that their concert was wonderful....

Letter: Van Wert Community Thanksgiving dinner was a huge success

Trinity Friends would like to thank everyone who came out for the annual community Thanksgiving Dinner. It was a huge success and loads of...

Letter: Youth don’t see Lima as great

In response to Mayor Berger and Mr. Haver’s concern about our youth leaving after college and not returning. I have a useful suggestion. Take...

Letter: Cutting The Cord Is Not The Answer

Several weeks ago, I announced that I was declaring war on cable TV. Since then I’ve been getting organized, now I’m solid. My hub...

Letter: You really want to kill someone?

I have discussed the problem of texting while driving with local police and highway patrol officers. All of them seem to be as concerned...