
Letter: Legislators should support benefits for older Ohioans


In just one year, more than one in four Ohioans will be 60 and older. Of this group, 110,000 households receive less than $50 a month in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan benefits. I am writing to express my support for House Bill 428, which aims to leverage state funds to increase the minimum SNAP benefits for older adults to $50 per month.

Letter: Encore’s ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ gets everything right


Encore Theatre took a risk on “The Play That Goes Wrong,” a show that takes an amazing amount of preparation, and it absolutely paid off.

Letter: Grateful for mothers, as well as our Father


It takes a lot of love to feed and nourish the child while carrying it. It takes more than giving birth to a child. Time and a lot of effort, love and sleepless nights.

Letter: Moreno lied to auto workers, showing us he’s not on our side


I’ve been a UAW member for decades, and I have experienced firsthand how decisions made by shady car salesmen like Bernie Moreno who are only out for themselves cost auto workers like me their jobs.

Letter: Putnam County Hospice grateful for volunteers


During National Volunteer Week, April 21-27, Putnam County Hospice is recognizing our 36 dedicated volunteers from our community who bring compassion, support and friendship to our patients and their families as they navigate a life-limiting illness.

Letter: New plan needed on Cable Road safety


It’s not unusual to hear dimwitted proposals from government, but a recently heard suggestion from the City of Lima should receive an award for being the most hick-townish.

Letter: Hearsay allowed in case an example of court issues


I also can sadly attest to the court system being more interested in convictions than justice.

Letter: Observatory missed out on once-in-lifetime event


Our community will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view a total eclipse of the sun.

Letter: Delphos remembers Peltier and his accomplishments well


I response to Kevin Blake’s letter published March 24, I appreciate his concern that astronomer Leslie Peltier has not been recognized. I want to let him and others know that Peltier has been recognized and memorialized by the residents of Delphos and by some astronomy organizations.

Letter: God tells America to repent on abortion


”If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14